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Naam:  Drs. M (Matthijs ) J. Warrens
Sectie:  M&T
Kamer:  2B19

 Pieter de la Court building 

 P.O. Box 9555, RB 2300 

 Leiden, The Netherlands

Telefoon:  +31 71 527 3649
E-mail:  warrens@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
Eigen Homepage:  n.v.t.
Matthijs obtained his masters degree in psychology in 2002 (Masters thesis: Item response theory modeling using homogeneity analysis). Since 2003 he is a PhD-student at the section of Methods and Statistics.






Warrens, M.J., Heiser, W.J., & De Gruijter, D.N.M. (2005). Reparametrization of homogeneity analysis to accommodate parallel item response functions. Behaviormetrika, 32, 127-139.


Warrens, M.J., De Gruijter, D.N.M., & Heiser, W.J. (in press). A systematic comparison between classical optimal scaling and the two-parameter IRT model.


Warrens, M.J., & Heiser, W.J. (in press). Scaling unidimensional models with multiple correspondence analysis. In M.J. Greenacre & J. Blasius (Eds.). Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods.


Colzato, L. S., Warrens, M.J., & Hommel B. (in press). Priming and binding in and across perception and action: A correlational analysis of the internal structure of event files. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Part A.

IOPS (Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics)


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