
18 April 2016

A piece of Japan in Leiden
He was the man who introduced Western medicine into Japan. Philipp Franz Von Siebold also brought Japanese plants and artefacts to Leiden.

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Medieval times not a 'golden age' for the elderly in England

A golden age for the elderly because they were shown so much respect. This is how British historians portray the Middle Ages in England. 

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Skating faster thanks to data science

The Netherlands has a lot of world-class speed skaters and footballers. Clever statistical analyses could help them perform even better. 

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Honours Academy experimenting with Virtual Reality

The Honours Academy has recently started working with the new visual technology Virtual Reality (VR). 'It is important to look beyond your own borders.'

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‘Man's empathy comes from language and stories’

Man is nature's mind-reading champion: we are better able than any other living beings to empathise with others. 

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More news
What drives universities?
Jihadist networks quick to evolve
Driss Moussaoui: Moroccan psychiatrist with a mission
Field of honour full of life
‘We haven't finished with Tutankhamun's tomb yet'
Incentive for research on exoplanets and free will
‘How much damage has Palmyra actually suffered?'
Leiden Classics
Why Leiden’s first Professor of Theology was banned
Leiden through the eyes of...Linda Gottschalk
'Leiden cafés are the ideal places to write a dissertation'
International students
Meet us in your country
Student for a Day events and Taster Days
International staff
Fewer teaching positions, more lecturers
Alumni Office and LUF move house
Coming events
22 April: Oort lecture 'Limits of Cosmology' 
23 April: Lecture 'Advanced alien civilisations in the local Universe'
28 April: Practicum Musicae concert
More events
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire, by Luuk de Ligt and Laurens E. Tacoma (Eds.)
Fickle Foreign Fighters? A Cross-Case Analysis of Seven Muslim Foreign Fighter Mobilisations (1980-2015) by Isabelle Duyvesteyn & Bram Peeters
Discover the world at Leiden University